THEME: "Frontiers in Mental Health and Psychiatry Research"
Psychologenpraktijk Janneke Luteyn, Netherlands
Title: TBA
J.N. Luteyn worked in various positions in mental health care. And she have seen mental health care change. Under pressure from the government, health insurers and with the influence of psychiatrists (who use the medical model), psychological problems are increasingly described as diseases. The entire mental health system seems to be geared towards combating symptoms. And although the vast majority of psychological problems are the result of experiences that people have had in their lives, clients are often not helped to process these experiences, but a large proportion of them receive medication or cognitive behavioral therapy. While there is sufficient knowledge and forms of treatment that are aimed at removing the causes of psychological problems! The 'Reset your youth' method was created by the experiences she gained with clients. Current complaints almost always appear to be the result of trauma and/or childhood experiences (acquired by parents). She see 10 basic causes for the development of psychological problems. The most important contribution of this method is the technique of 'The Imaginary Dialogue'. People can release the emotional burden from their past. Although these involve imaginary conversations with parents, they lead to real feelings of emotion and relief for the client and to lasting changes. These are noticeable, among other things, in the natural disappearance of complaints in current affairs. Because she was amazed by the effect of this method, she would like to share it with others.